designer Bruce Harper
Eric Hunter
Gary Rapanos
publisher Avalon Hill
released 1991
players 2-8
playing time 360 minutes
rating red starred starred starred starred starred starred starred starred starred star

Advanced Civilization

Quick look by Moritz Eggert

This game still holds as special place in my heart - oh, the days spent at Guido's game store in Frankfurt playing this monster astonishingly often to completion, then rediscovering it in the AH computer version (which was decent enough, actually - and playtested by Aaron for that matter). My glorified view of this game might be tainted by nostalgia, but there is no doubt that Tresham invented many mechanics for this game that have been incredibly influential over the decades. So many games own their inspiration and existence to this game, the granddaddy of all epic historical non-wargames that not evaluating it with a "10" would be a severe crime. May it always hold a special place in our heart, even if other games might have surpassed it in playability. Thanks Francis, your's is the crown!

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