Westpark Gamers' Links to Gaming Sites

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Blood Feud in New York (Spiel Regeln) Spiel Regeln (Download) Blood Feud in New York
GAMEMOB.DE GAMEMOB.DE make u want to play! Five game-fanatic editors report about the latest boardgames, music and lifestyle-themes. The Game Community provides a forum for game-fanatics, hints & tipps for various games and ideas for sit-in's with your friends. The User can rate, comment and edit game-articles. Kontakt: Natalie Schneiders nschneiders@GAMEMOB.DE
Improving the Odds in RISK RISK is a classic board game of global conquest. First published in 1959, this war game remains a popular pastime and continues to attract mathematical attention. Recent analyses reveal that the chances of winning a battle are considerably more favorable for the attacker than was originally suspected.
Invitation to Mastermind Mastermind is a game of deduction. The task is to uncover 1 secret code selected from a set numbering 1296 (= 6**4) elements. With every judiciously chosen guess and a (frank) response, the set of possibilities shrinks. When only one element remains it is bound to be the secret code. Furthermore there is an interesting variant of this game named STATIC MASTERMIND.
Junta - Die Seiten zum Spiel Jeder, der Junta schon einmal gespielt hat, weiß, dass das Spiel unter erbitterten Regeldiskussionen leiden kann. Um in Ruhe tarnen, täuschen, lügen und betrügen zu können, gibt es diese Seite, die Junta-Spielern die Möglichkeit gibt, sich über Regelauslegungen auszutauschen und Empfehlungen festzuhalten, an denen sich Hilfesuchende orientieren können.

Game Collectors
Guenthers 3M Collectors Homepage (Spiele der Firma 3M) Da es schon mehrere Hompages 3M Spiele gibt, werde ich mich vorerst auf die selteneren und unbekannteren Erstausgaben und Varianten konzentrieren, da diese bisher nur sehr spärlich beschrieben wurden. Ich werde versuchen, diese jeweils ausführlich zu beschreiben (Material und Regeln) und einige Bilder beizufügen. Dabei handelt es sich nur teilweise um Spiele aus meiner eigenen Sammlung, viele der Informationen stammen von der weltweiten Gemeinde der 3M Sammler.

Game Magazines
The Game Cabinet The Game Cabinet is a monthly games magazine distributed exclusively on the World Wide Web. The magazine primarily covers family, beer and pretzel, and strategy games with an occassional nod to war games, miniatures, and roleplaying games. Readers are encouraged to look elsewhere for information about computer games.
The Game Report Online A quarterly print magazine dedicated to board, party, dice, card, family, and strategy games from around the world.
The Games Journal The Games Journal is a monthly internet based publication that concentrates on general articles about board games.
Spielbox Online The German gaming resource in the net as well as a print magazin.

Game Publishers
Winsome Games Publisher of over 20 eisenbahnspiele, this publisher is the only American firm that licenses games to German publishers.

Game Sites
zuspieler.de zuspieler.de ist – der Untertitel verrät es schon – ein Karten- und Brettspielemagazin zum Sehen, Hören und Lesen. Es hat zwei redaktionelle Schwerpunkte. Erstens geht es darum, Brett- und Kartenspiele multimedial vorzustellen und zu rezensieren. Du erhälst dadurch einen Eindruck von den Spielen und weißt, ob sich eine Anschaffung lohnt. Zweitens stehen Spiele-Nachrichten sowie Verlags- und Autorenportraits im Mittelpunkt. Das Besondere auf zuspieler.de: Die Mehrheit der Beiträge ist multimedial aufbereitet – mit Videos, O-Tönen oder Bildergalerien.
Age of Boards New Board Game Reviews. Read reviews on the best and latest board games and trading card games, and get the latest news and customer comments on them.
Boardgames Pagina The biggest boardgames link page in the world. About 700 links to all country's about boardgames.
Bordspel.com So there you are, a board gamer from another country who stumbled upon the website of some Dutchman. To make things worse, that Dutchman somehow decided to write his webpages in his own language. You?re looking at a Dutch website on board, card and other games. This site contains lots of information on these games: reviews, news and information on conventions and fairs. As time is precious, I won?t be able to maintain a translated version.
Brett and Board Information and news about German board games and other designer games. A Danish site with English news about German games.
Gamers Alliance Gamers Alliance is the international network of game players and professionals. Our interests span ALL varieties of play and we believe ALL quality games are deserving of support. Since 1986, we have been alerting our worldwide membership to the newest and best games on the market today through our quarterly publication: GAMERS ALLIANCE REPORT! AND THERE'S MORE!!!
Luding Luding is a game database that contains several thousand games, designers and publishers. There are also links to discussion of games at more than 60 sites around the WWW. The 'Luding game database' has been under the sole management of Jörg Henrichs since 2003. Jörg has been maintaining the Luding database and is regularly updating and improving the Luding website for better and easier access. Luding is a non-commercial site. It is hosted on Sun SITE Central Europe, a Sun Microsystems sponsored computer at the computer science department at the Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technische Hochschule Aachen. No money is earned with Luding.
Metro - The board Game Online In the board game Metro you place tiles in order to create Metro lines. The longer the more points you get, so you try to extend your lines while blocking the opponents' lines. This website allows you to play the Metro against the computer.
Michas-SpielMitMir.de Über 200 Spielerezensionen und alles rund ums Thema Brett- und Kartenspiele (Spieleforum, Links, Termine, News etc.)
Sryth: The Age of Igtheon Sryth: The Age of Igtheon? is an online, single-player fantasy role-playing game that you play in your web browser... Sryth? combines all the great elements of traditional gamebook role-playing with the power and flexibility of the web to provide a truly unique and encompassing gaming experience.
The Big Game Hunter The Big Game Hunter's web site covers a variety of information about games and puzzles, from ancient games to collectible games to the latest, best games to play. There are over 90 links (in 9 categories) to other game & puzzle sites, and more than 1200 photographs of games, jigsaw puzzles, mechanical puzzles, and the people who play, design, make, and sell them, and the places they are played, designed, made, and sold. Plus research articles, a periodic newsletter, and regular news postings.
The Gaming Dumpster Welcome to the erratic and rather chaotic mess of the Dumpster. Here we archive any spare bits of flotsam and jetsom about board games. In particular, we archive translations of lots of German board games.
Webmaster Brettspillguiden is Norways largest independent site about boardgames. Has been on the net since 2002 and currently has an archive of articles on more than 140 board and cardgames. We test around 8-12 games a month and publish 2 new reviews a week on average. Sorry to say its currently only in Norwegian but our abitions are high...
Online-Brettspiele - Online Games

Umsetzungen von Brett- und Kartenspielen fuer das Web: 6 nimmt!, Kardinal & König, Paris Paris, Flaschenteufel und Floriado können ohne Registrierung online gespielt werden.

Online versions of card and board games for the web. Take 6!, Web of Power, Paris Paris, The Bottle Imp and Floriado can be played online without registration.

Boardgame News Boardgame News is a website where you can find daily news, reviews, game previews, columns, and much more about the world of boardgames. While there are many types of games in the world—boardgames, card games, trading card games, roleplaying games, video games, miniatures games, etc. — Boardgame News focuses on boardgames and card games, specifically games that are often referred to as German games, German-style games or Eurogames.

Gaming Groups/Clubs
Billabong Boardgamers The Billabong Boardgamers are a group of people who meet on a weekly basis in Melbourne (Australia) to play boardgames; primarily German games with an emphasis on strategy rather than luck. The atmosphere at Billabong game sessions is social rather than competitive.
Boardgame Players Association The Boardgame Players Association is a non-profit corporation established to support the shared interests of boardgame players everywhere. The BPA wishes to serve as a portal for boardgamers to enjoy their favorite games. If you enjoy war games, social strategy games, racing games, train games, any type of boardgame, you'll find thousands of people here that share your interests. We sponsor annual tournaments, organize play-by-email games, and help establish global player ratings.
Die Muenchner Spuiratz'n Die Spuiratz'n München sind der erste Münchner Brettspiel-Verein fuer Erwachsene. Seit inzwischen 24 Jahren treffen sie sich etwa 14-tägig freitags zu Spieleabenden, zu denen Gäste jederzeit willkommen sind. An den Spieleabenden kommen ca. 25 Spieler zusammen, etwa 12 aus dem "harten Kern", 10 Gelegenheitsspieler und 3 Gäste. Insgesamt sind es etwa 50 Mitglieder jeden Alters (Durchschnittsalter ca. 40 Jahre, ca. 80% Männer).
Homefront Club - The Wargamer's Frontline! Der HFC ist ein offenes Projekt, um das Hobby Wargaming in Deutschland zu fördern und Spielern die Möglichkeit zu geben, Informationen, Tools, Player Aids, Reviews etc. über eine zentrale Anlaufstelle zu nutzen. Weiterhin bieten wir eine Möglichkeit für Wargamer Spielpartner zu finden und den Austausch in unserem Forum zu pflegen. Der HFC hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, besonders Einsteiger zu unterstützen, bietet aber auch dem Grognard die Gelegenheit andere an seiner Erfahrung teilhaben zu lassen. Gute Kontakte zur internationalen Cosim Szene gewährleisten schnelle und kompetente Hilfestellung bei Anfragen, Hintergrundinformation und Regelfragen.
Silicon Valley Boardgamers Inspired by the success of the Tri-Valley Boardgamers (TVB) group that used to meet over in Pleasanton, but tired of the long drive, a few of us TVB regulars who live in the Silicon Valley/South Bay portion of the San Francisco Bay Area decided to form a similar group closer to where we live and work. For lack of a better name, we're calling this group the Silicon Valley Boardgamers (SVB).
Strategy Gaming Society SGS stands for Strategy Gaming Society. It was originally formed as the American Wargaming Association in 1973 and is the longest-continuously-existing gaming organization in the United States. The SGS serves to bring together people from all over the world in mutual enjoyment of our small but intensely-lived (well, for some of us anyway) hobby.
The Houston Gamers The Houston Gamers is a loosely organized group of about 35 people who enjoy social boardgames. If you are in the Houston Area and enjoy boardgaming, please check us out! We meet officially on the 1st & 3rd Saturday of every month, but that doesn't stop us from gaming all month long. Join up and make some new friends, or find some new opponents. Teach us your favorite board game or come and learn a few new ones.
The Westbank Gamers The Westbank Gamers is New Orleans' premier gaming group, meeting weekly for nearly three years. We specialize in multi-player strategy and war games, although we do enjoy the occassional "one-on-one" competition.
Transludie : a french association of gamers who play's 1830 We are a french association of postal mail(an d emails) wich play's a lot of games like 1830, Diplo, or others management and sporting games(some are originals).
Web-Grognards 'Grognard' is slang for someone who likes playing wargames. 'Web-Grognards' therefore has a unique collection of various conflict simulation game (i.e. wargame) information, including (but not limited to) rules errata and variants, game reviews and links to relevant web sites. The emphasis is on board wargames, but miniatures, computer and card-based wargames are also covered. Many hundreds of games are covered here.
Rund ums Thema Brettspiele Irgendwann keimte in meinen Mitspielern und mir die Erkenntnis, dass man andere auch an unseren Erfahrungen bezüglich der ganzen Spiele teilhaben lassen sollte, die wir so bei unseren Treffen ausprobieren. Deswegen haben wir alle Spiele nach Spielreiz (wie hat mir das Spiel gefallen), Design/Material (Wie ist das Spiel von der Aufmachung her, ist die Verarbeitung gut, gute Materialien), Verpackung (spricht sie an und ist sie zweckmäßig) und Anleitung (hier nur, wer sie gelesen hat) mit Punkten von 1 - 10 bewertet, wobei der Spielreiz dreifach gewertet wurde, weil der ja nun mal am Wichtigsten ist.