I am momentarily absolutely obsessed with games on my iphone. I mostly play the excellent “Carcassonne” app, and recently made it into the top 100 players of the world. At least for a day! Also recommended is the “Neuroshima Hex” app, which is excellent, as well as “Tichu” and “Wabash Cannonball”, also excellent conversions of excellent games. The iphone is like crack to any boardgame player – don’t buy it or you will seriously lose a lot of your free time!
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Since the subject says “iPad” I want to draw your attention to “Small World”, which is an excellent implementation of the game. Plays fast and is ideal for two players.
Yes, right … Carcassonne is really nice on IPOD/IPAD!
On the IPAD (Moritz you need to own one!) there is the excellent Small World (which can be played against computer AI or as Hot Seat in 2 player mode) as the very nice Knizia Einfach Genial!
Siedler on IPOD is terrible, but it´s much better on IPAD (with the new HD version) … nevertheless trading is a little bit a problem
Wabash Cannonball: It looks like this game is not suitable for the computer … after some games there is nothing new … always the same kind of development…
With this example you can see, that some games are very good for a port to the PC, because even after 100 finished games you like to play another round! Carcassonne and Saint Petersburg are this kind of games, it looks like Wabash is not (Nevertheless, I like it as a boardgame, which I play only one or two times a year…)
With the new Game Center on iOS4.2 and above (iOS4.3 on IPAD), I hope there will be more and more fun with these nice devices!