Desert Island Games

The gaming group stranded on a desert island for an indefinite time. We asked: "Which five games would you like to have packed in your case?". These are the results.



and for "experimental" reasons (I'm not sure if these games have bugs which render them boring too quickly):


  • a deck of cards for Bridge etc. (cards? cards!)
  • 1830 (Empire builders and robber barons, co-operation and competition)
  • 6 nimmt (simple to learn, unlimited intellectual possibilities)
  • Hare and Tortoise (with its vast amount of strategical variations)
  • Bluff (a game of psychology and chance)





  • to think: Advanced Civilization (AH) ... at last there would be enough time to actually play it!
  • to dream: Magic Realm (AH), anyway the best game of all but there's never enough time to read the monumental rule book...
  • to laugh: Cosmic Encounter (EON) with each and every expansion set
  • as a simulation: Gunslinger (AH), because I never have the time....
  • and another AH: Dragon Pass, simply the best cosim of all...




  • 1830 (AH), because it is the best strategy game of all
  • Advanced Civilization (AH). Did I ever finish a game? This would be the opportunity!
  • Ursuppe (D&F) - lots of possibilities for strategy experiments.
  • Die Macher (HiG) - to eventually develop a working strategy
  • Robo Rally (WotC) if I ever want to play without Peter R. ;)


  • 1830 (AH), I would practice, practice, practice and on my return I finally would have a chance to win...
  • Zoff im Zoo (D&F), you don't know, who else is on the island but this game can really be played with anybody...
  • Junta (ASS), just for fun...
  • Robo Rally (WotC), an intellectual exercise...



  • Go (trad.), game DEPTH, enough for a lifetime?
  • Acquire (AH), 128 ! different ways to play, every single one excitement and suspense
  • Empires in Arms (AH), politics of power in Europe from 1805 to 1815; a game of diplomacy in a realistic setting - simply THE best
  • Risk 2210 A.D. (Hasbro), the Big Mac of boardgaming
  • 6 nimmt (Amigo), for logicians and thought readers

